Resources To Help You Find Your Enneagram Type

This page is by no means an exhaustive list of all the Enneagram teachers and resources available for learning - they are just my current favorites! I aim to center teachers who highlight marginalized groups and I will keep the page updated as I learn about new resources and teachers (because this life-changing info is not meant for gatekeeping!). When you’re ready to integrate what you learn about the Enneagram into your workplace or sessions, I’ll be here waiting for ya!

Don’t know your Enneagram number yet?

Find out today with my Find Your Type Quiz.

Try a podcast (these are my favorites)

Listening to podcasts is one of my favorite ways to build my Enneagram knowledge while I’m busy or on-the-go. This list is a mix of general knowledge and type specific teaching. If you’re just getting started, I would recommend choosing episodes that are about your potential type so you can hear someone with the same type describe their inner world.

  • Life Uninhibited

  • Typology

  • Enneagram 2.0 with Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes

  • Conscious Construction

  • Enneagram & Coffee

  • The Enneagram Workshop

Talk about it

If you’re a verbal processor, you’re definitely going to benefit from having someone to talk through the details of your Type and any questions you have about how it applies to your life. There are a variety of Enneagram voices out there, so knowing what kind of guidance you want can help point you in the right direction. Typically, there are teachers, coaches, spiritual directors, and enthusiasts.

Some people have taken in depth courses and received a certification honoring their level of study, and others are able to share their level of expertise through their unique point of view. I’d love to help you discover and explore your type and I have limited spots available throughout the year to work 1:1 doing what I love and building up your confidence and improving your relationships. Reach out to me here and we’ll create a custom plan for you!

Recommended books

This is a list of my favorite Enneagram books and some of the must-have OG manuals. I personally own every book on the list and recommend having a variety of teachers to reference. The more you read, the more you will notice how some aspects of Enneagram wisdom have shifted over time as we understand psychology and sociology better.

*If you are brand new to the Enneagram, I suggest you start with The Complete Enneagram and The Wisdom of the Enneagram as they are written by some of the most advanced teachers around today.