The Enneagram Session Toolbox

Resources to help you and your clients start using the Enneagram instantly in sessions

Want to know how to use the Enneagram in a clinically thoughtful way to help your clients achieve the results they want?

This guide will take your casual knowledge of the Enneagram and therapeutically focus it. I’ve created a structured approach and tangible interventions that will help increase awareness and achieve goals. I’ve used my clinical training to make thoughtful, trauma-informed materials and consolidate Enneagram research into easy-to-use documents that help build safety & trust, create deeper insights, increase self-awareness, and foster efficient individual work. 

Hi, there. I’m Sarah!

Board Certified Social Work Supervisor, Licensed Therapist, Group Practice Owner, Enneagram Coach, Wife and Mom to 4 amazing children.

I really love using the Enneagram in my sessions.

The Enneagram is the perfect complement to the work you’re doing with your clients. I know it, because I’ve used it for years and in session with my own clients. I’ve also introduced the Enneagram to other therapists who have experienced its power and impact when paired with clinical tools.

Integrating the Enneagram in session allows clients to…

  • Gain language to express their innermost fears

  • Learn to listen empathetically to their loved ones

  • Embrace hope for change in themselves and others

  • Build up their self-respect and self-confidence, knowing they don’t need fixing

  • Invite trauma-focused work into the sessions with more ease and less fear

  • Follow a well-tested guide for improving self-awareness, wisdom, and enlightenment


The Enneagram Session Toolbox

This 70 page guide will jumpstart you into easily integrating Enneagram wisdom into your sessions– whether you are the clinician, coach, or client. Whether you are an Enneagram lover like me or totally new to the material, these tools will be a valuable addition to your current skillset.

Get started for only $47

The Enneagram Session Toolbox meets clinicians and clients where they are.

These resources will partner with you from the moment you want to share the Enneagram with a client, and continue to help as they discover their type and how that looks in their life. You can use them sparingly or pair them with your preferred intervention model - you have the freedom to decide.

  • βœ”οΈŽ Perspective

    Have a fresh way of seeing life challenges without shaming yourself or someone else.

  • βœ”οΈŽ Self-Confidence

    Build self-confidence in your gifts and natural skills and learn how to acknowledge those in others.

  • βœ”οΈŽ Communication

    Ask better questions so your conversations (even fights) are more productive.

  • βœ”οΈŽ Recognition

    Find out what it’s like to feel really seen by someone else and deeply know that you’re worth supporting.

  • βœ”οΈŽ Language

    Get new language to explain your thoughts and feelings, so that you can communicate without anxiety and fear.

  • βœ”οΈŽ Self-Awareness

    Quickly know why you respond to life in particular ways and understand the unique ways that you are wired up.

What’s Included:

  • Dos & Don'ts of Teaching the Enneagram

  • Self-Care Guides

  • Suggested Growth Goals

  • Coping Skill Tools & Enneagram Meditation

  • Roadblocks to Change Guide

Clinicians can see the benefits of using the Enneagram right away.


  • These worksheets are designed to be collaborative with your training and certified or licensed skills. They are meant to blend with your preferred evidence-based or holistic-focused techniques but they are not created as their own therapy model. This is not β€œEnneagram Therapy.” The information in these sheets is curated from a blend of my and my colleagues’ clinical experiences and the current predominant ideas on the Enneagram. Please include these tools at your discretion in consideration of your certification or license and your client’s clinical needs. Enneagram Tools is not liable for client outcomes nor does it attempt to manage adherence to the intended use of any tool offered.

  • My hope is they serve you and your clients to enhance and even speed up the treatment goals you set together. They are designed to be practical, clear, and easily printed for in-session or at-home use.

  • Video training on each Tool is coming soon! If you are interested in individualized consultation or professional training, please connect with me to get something scheduled! I'd love to customize something for you and your needs.

Are you ready to bring more depth and understanding to your sessions?

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Β© 2024 Enneagram Tools by Sarah Robinson